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Embracing Libra Season: Balance, Love, and Self-Care in Your Sexual Health Journey

发布时间: 2024年3月25日 浏览: 27
Libra season, spanning from September 23rd to October 22nd, is a time for those ruled by Venus to shine in their social circles and focus on personal harmony. This year, Libras are encouraged to embrace change, seek out leadership opportunities, and celebrate their love for connection. Indulge in the luxuries of life, including a vibrant social life and self-care, while being mindful of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. When it comes to sexual health, Libras are reminded to safely explore their desires and take the time to understand their personal likes and dislikes. This season is about finding inner peace and pleasure, so take advantage of the Libra energy to prioritize your well-being in every aspect.
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