Every relationship faces its set of challenges, but the key to strengthening your bond may lie in a simple, time-efficient technique developed by researchers at Northwestern University. Dr. Eli Finkel and his team have introduced a 'conflict reappraisal intervention' designed to mend marital tensions in less than seven minutes.
Dr. Finkel's study involved 120 married couples who underwent periodic evaluations over two years. The method introduced in the second year required participants to reflect on their disagreements through a three-step writing exercise. Firstly, they documented the details of their most significant recent argument. Then, they re-evaluated the disagreement from a neutral, third-party perspective. Lastly, they considered the challenges of adopting this external viewpoint during the actual conflict. The exercise concluded with a joint discussion on applying this outside perspective to temper future disputes.
The outcome of this study was unexpectedly positive. Couples engaging in regular conflict reappraisal interventions reported not only greater marital happiness but also showed enhanced capability in managing relational strife.
Why Does Conflict Reappraisal Intervention Work So Well?
The success of this method lies in its ability to detach partners from the heated, often biased, view of their quarrels. By reconsidering the argument from an emotionally detached standpoint, individuals can assess the core issues more logically. The final self-reflective step encourages a shift towards more productive and less emotionally charged discussions, paving the way for a healthier, more communicative relationship.
Northwestern University