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Global Valentine's Traditions: Celebrate Love with Unique Customs Around the World

发布时间: 2024年3月25日 浏览: 38
Valentine's Day, a day traditionally dedicated to expressing love and affection, is celebrated in various unique ways across the world. From the romantic transformation of Saint-Valentin village in France and monthly love-themed celebrations in South Korea to the friendly and communal festivities in Mexico, the exchange of handcrafted wooden spoons in Wales, and the chocolate-focused events in Ghana. Argentinians sweeten their bonds in July during 'the week of sweetness,' while Romanians seek spring flowers and good fortune in love on Dragobete. Bulgarians, however, toast to love and viticulture with local wines on the day of San Trifon. Each country brings its own cultural flair and history to the celebration, creating a tapestry of global Valentine's customs that can inspire and enchant lovers everywhere.
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