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Understanding Breast Self-Exams: A Comprehensive Guide

发布时间: 2024年3月22日 浏览: 36

For years, medical professionals advocated for monthly breast self-exams as a crucial early detection method for breast cancer. However, recent studies have challenged this notion, revealing that self-exams may lead to a high number of false positives, causing undue stress and anxiety. Consequently, prominent organizations like the American Cancer Society and the Susan G. Komen Foundation have updated their guidelines, advising against the use of breast self-exams as a formal screening strategy.

Despite the shift in recommendations, some breast cancer advocacy groups still support self-exams as an effective way for women to become more in tune with their bodies and changes that may indicate health issues. Sexy Global encourages individuals to consult with their healthcare provider to make an informed decision about incorporating breast self-exams into their health regimen.

For those who choose to perform breast self-exams, John Hopkins Medicine suggests a monthly schedule. It's crucial to remember that self-exams should complement, not replace, regular medical consultations and mammography. The National Breast Cancer Foundation outlines a three-step approach for conducting a self-exam: starting with a tactile examination in the shower, followed by a visual inspection in front of a mirror, and concluding with a lying down palpation to check for abnormalities or discharge.

American Cancer Society
Susan G. Komen Foundation
National Breast Cancer Foundation
John Hopkins Medicine

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